Happy New Year with a new EBF Journal

New Year’s resolutions: we all have them! Each year, we promise ourselves to improve certain aspects of our lives in the year that lies ahead. The hard part, however, is actually sticking to these resolutions. Consequently, the hard reality is that we often fail to meet the goals that we have set ourselves. In order to prevent this from happening to us at the EBF, we are achieving our resolution on the first day of the year. We have decided that, after having published Prospect Magazine for a long time, it is time for us to change the setup.

Over the years, the EBF has published many interesting articles in the form of its online periodical, named Prospect Magazine. Now, however, this magazine is making place for the EBF’s renewed online journal. From next week onwards, the EBF Marketing Committee (which consists of the great people depicted in the header of this article), will be publishing one article on our website each week, instead of a complete Prospect Magazine each month. Besides, whenever we publish new content, a Facebook-post from the EBF will show up on your own timeline, containing a link that will redirect you to the article on our website.

The articles will cover a variety of topics. Think not only of interviews with figures from the business world, but also of articles that look into current hot news-topics or other developments that are taking place in the world. In addition, our reporters will be present at the EBF’s events. This means that you will be able to relive these events, or, in case you missed one, get a brief insight in exactly what you missed.

In other words, you will still be able to enjoy the content published by the EBF, but the format will simply be slightly different. Remember to keep your eyes on our Facebook posts, as new content is coming your way very soon!

On behalf of the EBF and its Marketing Committee,

Thijs ten Cate
Chairman EBF Marketing Committee